
Thursday, 6 June 2019

Fish Tank

Walt: Have everyone contribute to the small group discussion

Task Description
Hi, my name is Caleb, and in this post, I answer questions about a Fish Tank. This was a fun activity, and I want to do more of this in the future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seeing boiled shrimp is an indication of failure. If you want to get more interesting details about aquarium plants wholesale Australia, head over to the website.

  3. Unfortunately, though, it has been a challenge to breed these fishes in captivity. Now there are a few resources to help you breed these beautiful Cichlids fish.

  4. The basic African cichlid will be of a yellowish color. You can identify it by the white part at the tip of the tail (the dorsal fin) and by the long and narrow pectoral fins. For more ideal details about african cichlids, pop over to these guys.
